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David Gange - The Frayed Atlantic Edge - August 2020

David Gange - The Frayed Atlantic Edge - August 2020

August 2020 - David Gange - The Frayed Atlantic Edge

Tim catches up with the author and historian David Gange about his solo sea-kayak odyssey along the wildest shores of these Isles, the adventure which became the incredible book 'The Frayed Atlantic Edge'.

They covered a lot of ground including:

  • how David doesn't understand tents,
  • bumping into a whale side-on in a giant swell,
  • why poets get to the essence of a subject,
  • grappling with the Ethics Committee over Health & Safety,
  • the advantages of waterbourne bedragglement,
  • how reading books outdoors stays with you longer,
  • the damage 'progress' caused coastal communities,
  • what kind of cheese survives best in a kayak!
  • and much much more...