The Library of Lost Connections
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Welcome to The Library of Lost Connections, this is the best way to join our book club.
Choose a free book from this selection of travel, nature & philosophy books we've featured in the past to join in (with no obligations).
Then, in a month or two, at the beginning of the next season, we'll invite to start your membership.
How does it work?
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Four times per year our curator, Tim, chooses a selection books to help us reconnect
We all read the same books, then gather online & in real life to piece together another chapter in The Story of Now.
You'll start out getting two books each season, from £8.58 a month, but can add an extra deep read anytime, or skip upcoming seasons.
You're in charge, managing your membership via a personal portal or through the emails we send before each season.
Choose a book (click title link below the quote) and join in!
The Rest of the Natural World
reconnect with

"A convincing plea" - Isabella Tree
"Nature" isn’t just beautiful and intriguing and awesome, it is our life support system."

“Breathtaking.” New York Times
"Why this is so easy to see when you’re by yourself in a cabin on a hillside, and almost impossible to believe once you step outside and join several billion folks doubling down on the status quo?"

"As sacred as it is historical.” Elizabeth Gilbert
"The market economy is just a story we have told ourselves... we are free to tell another."

"Wonderful” - Bill Bailey
"The line between life and death here could be measured in the thickness of the ice"
Each Other
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"Hugely, highly, happily recommended” - Stephen Fry
"We’re lured into thinking that a small, hate-mongering minority reflects all humankind."

“If you read one book this year, make it this one.” - Jack Harries
"The most practical thing to do when things get scarce is to build interdependent and resilient communities."
reconnect with

"Re-learning how to look at the world" - Megan Prelinger
"The need to periodically step away is more obvious than ever."

“What a story” - Chris Evans
"Digital Polyfilla in the spaces where ideas might have bloomed."