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Meet Elise

Meet Elise

Elise describes herself as a bit of a one-hit-wonder. In 2015, she announced her crazy plan to run 5000 miles around the coast of Great Britain, carrying all her kit on her back.

This came as quite a surprise to everybody, including herself, as prior to this the highlight of her sporting career had been running a marathon dressed as a Crayola crayon. During which she cried for a solid eight miles and got heckled by a small child who called her ‘The Crying Crayon’.

But, of course, it all worked out okay (well, mostly, there was quite a lot of crying on grass verges along the way) and in August 2016, ten months after setting out, she became the first woman and youngest person to run a lap of Great Britain self-supported.

Although Elise has no plans to repeat her ridiculously epic trip (would you?!) she still loves running and that feeling you get after completing something you weren’t sure you could do. Like with slogging up a hill, hands on knees and lungs burning, for the reward of flying back down the other side. Getting from A to B under your own steam. Or the sheer joy of a hot shower and a dry pair of socks after being outside for hours and days on end.

She's our kind of adventurer. Probably yours too.

Pick up your free copy of the book that started it all - Coasting.