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Miscellaneous Adventures

Miscellaneous Adventures

 Miscellaneous Adventures are Andrew and Emma. They live in the Lake District where they work in the woods, make things, take photos and enjoy adventures big and small in the surrounding mountains, lakes and valleys their young son, Benji.

For 11 years they lived in a small barn in the woods in Sussex where they discovered a new way of living and developed a deeper relationship with Nature that inspires all strands of their work.


Andrew accidentally became a woodsman after working for many years as an illustrator and designer, when he discovered green woodworking and the simple joy of making things with his hands.

Moving to the woods in 2011 he quickly found that woodlands and trees had much to teach about life, society and the whole of nature far beyond the forest.
He started Miscellaneous Adventures as a way of sharing the skills and insights learned through living in the woods, teaching workshops and making things influenced by adventures in wild places.

Emma was originally an illustrator and designer working with fabric and embroidery, her focus is now on studying botany, foraging and the traditional uses of plants. She makes her own own herbal remedies and has a growing apothecary of various potions and dried herbs in our home.

Combining her interest in plants and Nature with a love of embroidery and fabric, Emma has created a number of items for Miscellaneous Adventures over the years, from bags and pouches to banners and flags (as seen in the backdrop of our podcasts).


Photo credits - Emma & Adndrew by Jody Daunton