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Books Not Bombs - Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal

Books Not Bombs - Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal

I'm donating 100% of book sales from our back issues to the Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal on World Book Day and beyond. That's all the proceeds, not just profit, throughout March. And whatever you pay for shipping, I'll match as an additional donation.


Normally, I would look to the books we read for some insight. But they have nothing to say about war - no explanation for this nasty nature that seems only to exist in the human species.


Occasionally we encounter a traveller with tales from 'war-torn' corners of the world. But that epithet now seems hopelessly inadequate - too timid and distant a description for the grim reality of armed invasion and frightening evacuation.


All you will find in our books are reasons to treasure what we have; moments to marvel at the wonder of life.

And now, a way to help those who face the unimaginable.

Buy any book from our back issues throughout March, and all the proceeds and shipping fees will be donated to the Ukrainian Red Cross.


I want to make as great a contribution as possible, so would really appreciate you sharing this post.


Thank you.



Banner photo credit - Johannes Plenio on Unsplash