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The story of Wayfinding

The story of Wayfinding

Whether you are fascinated by maps and the art of navigation or terrified of them, September's book, Wayfinding by Michael Bond, makes for an intriguing read which helps explain why you feel that way.

As a community of book-loving outsiders, we spend much of our time slowly exploring the planet, either under our own steam or following the adventures of others. Doing so helps us understand the world and our place within it in ways that can be thrilling, terrifying or profoundly spiritual. Sometimes all at once!

And, of course, to us this feels right; it feels good.

It feels like the thing we should be doing.

But, like me, you probably just assumed this was a quirk shared amongst ourselves, this tiny band of adventurers, or surely everyone would be doing this?

Thanks to Michael's careful walk-through of the scientific research, he reveals that there are sound physiological reasons, structures within our brain, designed to make sense of the world when we explore it as we do. 

It turns out that we are not some freak bubble of folk who happen to get our kicks out there; we are the ones doing what comes naturally, it's everyone else who have slipped outside the bubble of wellbeing, connection and understanding that was formed by our nomadic forebears millennia ago and has been shrinking, steadily then suddenly, ever since.

Little wonder then that the modern world leaves many people feeling so lost and that we head into the wilds to find ourselves. As our July author, the great John Muir said:

"And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul" 

Join us for this month's conversation with Michael Bond to discover more on this topic, it's connection with mental health, how it explains time's slippery nature during Lockdown and so much more.
Take part in person at the Alpkit Ilkley store or online via Zoom, 8pm Thursday 29th September.

Reserve your free place (in-person numbers are limited)


Start any subscription during September and receive a free copy of Wayfinding, when you use the code FIRSTINK at checkout.