Join the club with Richmond Walking & Book Festival

We're not the only ones who believe that books and walking fit together as naturally as boots and feet; the good folk of Richmond North Yorkshire have devoted an entire festival to the idea!
Our founder and curator Tim will be joining the Ramblers Association's Head of Paths, Jack Cornish, live in conversation on the 16th September about his, as yet unreleased, title exploring the rich history of Britain's millennia-old network of pathways; The Lost Paths - A History of How We Walk From Here To There.
Whilst the book awaits publication, friends of the festival are invited to join the club with a free back-issue from our monthly subscription featuring the best travel/nature/adventure writing.
Choose your ideal read from:

In the Shadow of the Mountain by Silvia Vasquez-Lavado - a remarkable story of heroism and our first author to reach the summit of the world (highest, first or fastest are rarely our priorities), which awakens our appetite for risk and encourages faith in our own resilience.
A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush by Eric Newby - a legendary tale which changed the tone of travel writing forvever, a time-worn classic with an engaging manner and humourously understated tone.

Wayfinding by Michael Bond - discussing the art and science of how we find and lose our way, Wayfinding is an enlightening take on a subject that many either take for granted or have delegated to others deemed (usually by themselves) more competent!
Small Print!
Requesting a free copy will start a book subscription to the best in travel/adventure/nature writing, specially selected to help you reconnect with nature and yourself.
This is a no-obligation offer, which you can cancel, pause of change any time.
There are limited numbers of each title, with a limit of one book per person.