Discovering invisible Cathedrals by the canal
It was certainly a strange place of worship but could not have been more fitting, I thought, as ...
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A thrilling update to a legendary tale of adventure
"What the ice gets the ice keeps" observed Sir Ernest Shackleton as his ship the Endurance was pi...
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The book with an adventurous spirit to match it's author
I loved that little stick right until it failed me catastrophically.On a previous jaunt to photog...
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The book that inspired the business
You know those moments when the Universe aligns?
The stars certainly slotted into place to secure...
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Some people need adventure more than others
Belinda Kirk has spent a lifetime involved in adventure. She's seen it change people first hand: ...
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The book that changed travel writing forever
Stories of transformation on the trail and discovering new lives through adventure are now such a...
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A 7,000 mile search for freedom, connection and happiness
Reaching high into the air above Ilkley Moor in an attempt to see the planet's rotation in my el...
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A return to source in search of connection
"There have been more winners of the Wainwright Prize* who live in castles than there are with d...
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A new standard for extreme adventure authors
As a glance through our back catalogue shows, we have featured a diverse range of authors and ex...
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A richly coherant story of our place in the world
Our founder and curator on the startlingly coherant worldview contained in our latest deep read....
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Cultivating Connection at Christmas
For my birthday this year, my wife bought the family a night in a fancy and very dog-friendly ho...
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Don't feed the Windigo - Black Friday stalks the north woods
I have a couple of personal rituals which help me check in on the year; the first canoe paddle o...
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A story about stories, language and connection
November's book will change the way you think about your connection with the natural world. Robin...
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The Story of Way Through The Woods
A personal reflection from our founder and curator, Tim, on the meaning and connection to be foun...
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The story of The Flow
Our founder and curator, Tim, on the essential connection revealed by our latest deep read.
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The story of Wayfinding
Whether you are fascinated by maps and the art of navigation or terrified of them, September's b...
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The story of Coasting
Running away from your problems doesn’t solve anything – but sometimes it’s more fun than dealing...
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The wild connection in our hearts - John Muir's story
Our founder and curator, Tim, on July's featured read 'My First Summer in the Sierra' by the leg...
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The Story of Unlost
Most of us will never experience a lifetime of chronic pain, learning first-hand how it can pare...
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The story of The Great North Road
Although 'a warm and friendly memorial to a grand old road' is actually a reference to one of Ste...
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The story of English Pastoral
Our founder and curator, Tim, shares how April's Adventurous Ink opened his eyes to the English l...
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The story of Life Lessons from the Amazon
Prompted by March's Ink, Life Lessons from the Amazon by Pip Stewart, our founder and curator re...
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Books Not Bombs - Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal
I'm donating 100% of book sales from our back issues to the Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal on...
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Fifty Words for Snow challenge - February 2022
The most magical of elements, snow can transform our environment in the merest of moments and, in...
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The story of The Farthest Shore - Jan 2022
January's Ink is the story of Alex Roddie's experiment in using the solitude of the Cape Wrath Tr...
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The story of The Moth and the Mountain - December 21
Our founder and curator, Tim, shares why the Moth and the Mountain opened up some, perhaps surpr...
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For and From Kith and Kin - 21 Gift Ideas
Our founder Tim shares his 21 gift suggestions for and from kith and kin.
Adventurous Ink is a...
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The story of Into the Tangled Bank - November 21
Our curator Tim shares why he is so enamoured by Lev Parikian's 'Into the Tangled Bank'

How can you play your part in The Great Reconnect?
We have passed the inflexion point. The pendulum is now swinging the other way, 'The Great Reconnect' has begun.

The Story of Three Stripes South - October 21
'Inspirational' and 'adventurer' are overused adjectives, our curator Tim shares just why they are bang on for Bex Band.

The story of Do Earth - September 21
When I was a young boy deeply steeped in tales of adventure, I felt a distinct sense of disappointment at being born in such an inconsequential age. Everything worthwhile had been 'done'. Now I see how wrong this was...

The story of Kings of the Yukon - August 2021
Struggling to paddle into the headwind which pressed through the cleft between Steeton and Ilkley Moors I shifted position, trying to trim the canoe as best I could. But my efforts were in vain and progress was sluggish.

A Manifesto for our Way of Life
Adventurous Ink is more than just a book club. The books we read are a manifestation of our way of life, they shed new light on our experiences and bring new perspectives to bear.

A book for Boris
When plans to re-print the book of Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition fell through, our curator Tim came up with a novel way to make use of his personal copy...

A halo of glory during dark times
Introducing our new art exhibition, Brocken Spectre, with a look at why we chose Black Friday for it's launch.

Wheeling towards a sustainable circular future
October’s Meitheal is a glimpse behind the scenes of a business which, like ours, is on a path to a better place.
We caught up with Oli Pepper, co-founder of The Overland and Adventurous Ink subscriber, to hear about the practice and philosophy which underpin their turn towards a more sustainable and circular future.